Saturday, October 3, 2015

ZeeAura: Wisdom can be cute.

When we see her, we always get a warm hello and hug. I know there are people that have a problem with being called cute, so at the risk of insulting her, I have to admit that my wife and I find her “so cute”. Last night we saw a different side of Zhi Hui, the side named ZeeAura. 

Of course the main reason why we wanted to see her perform is because we like her warm and generous personality. I had no idea what to expect from her as a musician. 

I’d seen her sing once or twice as a jam guest but never saw her do anything of her own.

Naturally as a graduated LaSalle student she knows the techniques but those are only methods on how, like defined by the black lines in the coloring book. The real performer comes out when giving color to the spaces within the lines, skill, and painting the outside, the space around the figures, creativity.

We definitely saw a lovely painting last night, fun compositions delivered with a lot of charm and high entertainment value. I cannot judge the technique or the skill but dare to say something about the creativity and overall entertainment value. 

 Those are matters of taste anyway. In my opinion it was a very well put together show, and looking around the substantial crowd that had gathered, their faces said they agreed.

When not looping ZeeAura was accompanied by Vick Low

Often times giving an interesting dimension to the interestingly rythmic tunes

It was not only well put together in preparation, but also on stage. Before ZeeAura had told me she was very nervous. Why not? 

I think nervousness makes her chatty. And she was chatty, between songs and even during.  It made the whole affair quite welcoming to everyone listening. 

She was not rambling, what she said showed wisdom. She was poking fun while sending little social messages. As a developing artist I think she should be taken seriously but above all, for us, she will still be "so cute".

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