Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Aliwal Urban Arts Festival: A small bite out of the big apple

New York City, it seems to be a magnet to Singaporean musicians. Again we are “losing” a great couple to the big apple for at least 2 years. Having lived on Manhattan myself for 12 years and extensively enjoyed the art scene, while knowing that there was so so much more on offer, I understand how that town can pull people in.

During my conversation with our departing friends and one of their many farewell parties, we discussed this blog and suddenly came to the conclusion that it was a nice way for them to stay in touch with what is going on. 

I never thought of it in that manner, that it is a way for friends abroad to follow what is going on at home, but I have to admit that it helps giving me that piece of motivation, that some of you may know, I have been struggling with.

Here’s the first on my way to recovery. Aliwal Urban Arts Festival, kicking off the Singapore Art week, showcased some of the urban life that is prevalent in the streets of New York City but in Singapore mostly reserved for designated areas. 

Urban belongs to New York like hip belongs to hop belongs to beer and What is Hip belongs to Singapore. Hip Hop, Graffiti and skate boarding were outdoor activities. Inside the performance space of Aliwal Arts Centre a small concert was kicked off at 7:30 by the (big) band What is Hip 

followed by Dru Chen and several others. 

The rest of the story in photos below:



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