Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sing Jazz 2014 Day 3 Alan Stone: Of Brick and Mortar

If I should write about a truly pleasant surprise of the Sing Jazz festival, I would have to say something in particular about Alan Stone.

 The band consists of five seemingly regular US west coast guys. Some look like they would be more in place on the Google campus than on a stage at an Asian Jazz festival.

Then again who is to say what people should look like when they are doing anything.  After the band had started and I was looking a little further, I noticed the drummer, who was creating quite a bit of a show in the back, making full use of the elaborate drum set and his character full face. 

He kept me and my camera busy for a little bit until my attention was drown in by the lead singer, because that is what he did and did well; drawing in attention. 

No matter what the tune or what the lyrics, Alan Stone was catching my eye, 

presenting a story in such a way that you could not help but listening and watching in awe. 

Rumor has it that the bands fee to play for Sing Jazz was less than the cost of bringing them over. I hope for them that is a little bit of an exaggeration but I did notice there was a modesty about them that the bigger stars are not able to carry off any longer, whether it’s in their character or not. 

In short Alan Stone was refreshing fun and as far as I am concerned the jewel in the crown of the Sing Jazz festival.

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